Just an update

January 3, 2007

Today I am working on making a wrapper for freeimage that is nicer than just the trivial cffi wrapping I had already done for it. I am also looking at doing the same for opencv. Although, I guess I could release them as trivials– not sure what the preference in the community is in regards to this. If anyone has an opinion on whether a trivial release would be useful for others to build their own packages on or not please drop a comment.

3 Responses to “Just an update”

  1. Zach Says:

    What are freeimage and opencv?

  2. Nimalan Says:

    Are you going to release your freeimage wrappers (either the trivial cffi one or the nicer one)?

  3. Alok Says:

    Why no links? This is the HTTP after all.

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